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Founded in 1990 Ordo Templi Draconis is a Druid church of nature spirituality, rooted in the Druid Revival of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, and offering an opportunity for modern people to experience the teachings and practices of traditional Druidry in today's world.

Ordo Templi Draconis understands Druidry as a path of nature spirituality and inner transformation founded on personal experience rather than dogmatic belief. It is a church in the original sense of that word, a community of people following a spiritual path together. It welcomes men and women of all national origins, cultural and linguistic backgrounds, and affiliations with other Druidic and spiritual traditions. Ecological awareness and commitment to an earth-honoring lifestyle, celebration of the cycles of nature through seasonal ritual, and personal development through meditation and other spiritual exercises form the core of its work, and involvement in the arts, healing practices, and traditional esoteric studies are among its applications and expressions.

We welcome you to the Ordo Templi Draconis website and encourage you to learn about Ordo Templi Draconis and its work!

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Copyright 1990-2008 Ordo Templi Draconis, Inc.
All rights reserved. No part of this site may be reproduced in any way without the express permission from the
Archdruid of the O.T.D.