O.T.D. Our Purpose
The Ordo Templi Draconis is a modern Druid church drawing its inspiration and many of its teachings from the Druid Revival
of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. We don't claim direct descent from the original Druids - the priestly caste of
ancient Britain, Ireland, and Gaul, which went extinct around twelve hundred years ago - and to be honest, we're skeptical
of any group that does make that claim. Instead, like other modern Druid groups, the Ordo Templi Draconis evolved out of a
three-hundred-year-old movement, the Druid Revival, that found the fragmentary legacy of the ancient Druids a powerful source
of inspiration and insight, and drew on a wide range of sources in shaping a nature spirituality to meet the challenges of
Copyright 1990-2008 Ordo Templi Draconis, Inc.